Companionship, overcoming, euphoria ... There are so many positive feelings that you feel when you ride a bicycle that it is not easy to describe it with words to someone who has not experienced it in the first person.
Cycling is one of the most recommended sports for years by doctors, who advise their patients a fun activity, safe and very beneficial for health.
Besides because you really like to pedal, have you stopped to think that maybe you should give your bike thanks for many more things than you think? Here we show you the 6 most important ones.
Cycling is indicated for people of all ages and especially for those with ailments in the back and joints, since it does not imply suffering impacts, as it does in other sports in which there are jumps.
When you pedal you are boosting your immune system and helping your body to lose fat, but the list of cycling benefits for your body is almost endless: it improves blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels, increases heart strength and lung capacity, strengthens the muscles and maintains the density of the bones.
Meanwhile, in the background. Surely you have experienced more than once the feeling that, when you get off the bike and you shower, things otherwise appear and solutions otherwise you have not found.
That's because your bike takes you away from stress, because your brain has a powerful injection of endorphins and serotonin. Your mood improves, your self-esteem rises and blinds you to anxiety and depression.
It is not the only study that establishes a direct relationship between the use of the bicycle and the increase in brain capacity, although it is the one that has offered the most evidence of this until now.
Cycling is one of the most recommended sports for years by doctors, who advise their patients a fun activity, safe and very beneficial for health.
Besides because you really like to pedal, have you stopped to think that maybe you should give your bike thanks for many more things than you think? Here we show you the 6 most important ones.
1. For caring for your body
Using your bike is saving you a long list of ailments and spending on medications. As a prevention tool it is very valuable, because it protects against the risk of suffering from different types of cancer and type 2 diabetes.Cycling is indicated for people of all ages and especially for those with ailments in the back and joints, since it does not imply suffering impacts, as it does in other sports in which there are jumps.
When you pedal you are boosting your immune system and helping your body to lose fat, but the list of cycling benefits for your body is almost endless: it improves blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels, increases heart strength and lung capacity, strengthens the muscles and maintains the density of the bones.
2. For caring your mind
There are few daily concerns that resist a cyclist training or a two-wheel competition day.Meanwhile, in the background. Surely you have experienced more than once the feeling that, when you get off the bike and you shower, things otherwise appear and solutions otherwise you have not found.
That's because your bike takes you away from stress, because your brain has a powerful injection of endorphins and serotonin. Your mood improves, your self-esteem rises and blinds you to anxiety and depression.
3. For helping you think more and better
Did you know that cycling improves the performance of your brain? To this conclusion came a study in 2015 from the University Medical Center Utrecht, in the Netherlands. It ensures that grows the density of the white matter of the brain, responsible for the connections made by your brain to perform their usual functions.It is not the only study that establishes a direct relationship between the use of the bicycle and the increase in brain capacity, although it is the one that has offered the most evidence of this until now.
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