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Beneficts of ride in bike. 2/2

Companionship, overcoming, euphoria ... There are so many positive feelings that you feel when you ride a bicycle that it is not easy to describe it with words to someone who has not experienced it in the first person.

Cycling is one of the most recommended sports for years by doctors, who advise their patients a fun activity, safe and very beneficial for health.

Besides because you really like to pedal, have you stopped to think that maybe you should give your bike thanks for many more things than you think? Here we show you the 6 most important ones.

This is the second part, if you have not seen the first part, we recommend you click here.

4. For helping you sleep better

Insomnia is almost a plague in the current western society. In Spain it is estimated that it suffers 20% of the population. What if we told you that the bicycle helps you sleep more and more deeply?

Giving pedals is a perfect antidote to stress and anxiety and helps balance mental fatigue with physical fatigue. Of course, remember to leave 3 hours of distance between the cycling activity and the time to get into bed so that your body relaxes and body temperature drops.

5. To improve your social life

Being part of a club allows you to be in contact with people who share your same hobby.

Associating a group of people to a pleasant activity, far from a work environment in which professional relationships prevail, increases the quality of life because it helps to strengthen ties.

Having a regular group of fellow cyclists is also the best way to exchange views on routes, training or cycling accessories.

6. For helping you discover unique places

Not all sports can say that they are performed outdoors and in natural environments such as those that can be known from the saddle of a bicycle.

If you have been pedaling for years, your two-wheeled friend will surely have taken you more than once to charming places that, afterwards, you have invited to meet family and friends. Both the road bike and the mountain bike allow you to be more intrepid and curious and even access little-known places.

Resultado de imagen de ciclismo                   Resultado de imagen de ciclismo


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